The Plant Based Punani



Jamaican Bladderwrack

Bladderwrack – Information and Benefits

Jamaican Bladderwrack

When you elect to add a boost of our high quality Jamaican bladderwrack to your sea moss jelly of choice, we add to it a specially prepared infused bladderwrack tea for a flavorless but super healthful boost to your already powerfully rich and delicious multivitamin.

Here’s why we love this option! Bladderwrack is a species of edible seaweed, long known for its health benefits. When used in combination with sea moss, the two can work in a natural synergy, strengthening the effectiveness and bioavailability of one another and providing the full spectrum of 110 minerals needed in the human body! Wow! Sounds like a win to us.

Additionally, Bladderwrack acts as an anti-inflammatory, helping with joint pain.

It is high in dietary fiber and promotes healthy gut flora. Specifically, a fiber called algin has been used as a gentle laxative to treat constipation and is can also be used to treat diarrhea.

Bladderwrack is known to improve heart health and reduce heart disease by reducing high cholesterol levels and blood sugars.

It improves elasticity of the skin by increasing collagen production, and has been shown to reduce cellulite.

Bladderwrack has high concentrations of beta-carotene, which is critical for healthy eye functioning and reduces macular degeneration.

Bladderwrack is high in iodine, which may aid in thyroid disorders and is essential to uterus, breast and prostrate health.

It also contains bromine, potassium, calcium, B Group vitamins, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, and silicon.

More research on Bladderwrack is needed and ongoing. Here is an evidence based article all about the benefits of bladderwrack we’ve discovered thus far.

Bladderwrack – Possible Side Effects and Precautions

Bladderwrack is rich in iodine, a mineral important for healthy thyroid function. However, excessive levels of iodine can disturb a preexisting thyroid disorder or interfere with medication. Exercise caution if taking thyroid medication.

Both bladderwrack and sea moss have the capacity to help thin the blood and reduce blood pressure. Use caution if taking blood thinning medication, or anticoagulants.

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should consult with their doctors before taking supplements.

Generally, consult with your doctor or dietitian before you seek to take advantage of bladderwrack benefits.