The Plant Based Punani

Mindfulness Bundles

Mindfulness Bundles

Coming soon!

Practice Mindfulness

We all deserve an abundant life. Wellness is our inalienable right. 

Wellness and abundance may look different from one person to another, and from one culture to another, and we are in no position to judge, criticize or claim to have any moral authority on what it means for you. 

We do believe, however, that the act of practicing mindfulness — that is, staying present and aware of your inner self and immediate surroundings at the current moment, can be a powerful tool for living an abundantly well life.

Just as this practice can be used, as we have explained here, to enhance the simple act of drinking tea, it too can be applied to every act, event, circumstance, or emotion, allowing you to experience the fullness of the universe.

Mindfulness is a Buddhist concept that premises on staying in the present moment, always coming back to your breath, and the now. Doing this allows the individual to appreciate the fullness of life, and not get caught up in thoughts, worries, events, or the actions and beliefs of others.

Staying present, and allowing thoughts, feelings, and emotions to come and go (never clinging), like clouds in the sky, allows you to remove yourself from all that doesn’t really matter, all that doesn’t serve you.

Bhudda Statue

Staying present allows you to live in the only time there ever is — the now. To go deep within yourself, access and influence your own energy fields, tap into higher vibrational frequencies and non-physical realms.

There are many ways to practice mindfulness: meditation and yoga are populate and effective practices. Chanting, mantras, prayer, singing, breath work, walking, spending time in nature, reading, listening to music, and soaking in the tub are more examples. Notice how all of these practices demand your true presence. Of course, you can be rather distracted while soaking in the tub, or listening to music, but when you choose to give your full attention to your breath and the present moment, any and every experience has the potential to usher you to enlightenment. 

In this way, not only are you caring for your physical being by giving it breath, love, tenderness, and attention, you are also caring for your mind and spirit by relishing the fullness of being in the now. This creates a powerful synergy of wellness of the Whole Being, and opens you up the abundance of the universe.


The Plant Based Punani has created four bundles that we hope will enhance your wellness rituals, allowing you more space, balance, and gratitude for accepting your gifts from the universe —


Each bundle is a unique curation of tools to use as you see fit in an effort to bring in you alignment with that specific gift or intention, is beautifully packaged in a branded box and includes some or all of the following items:

Smudging herbs to help purify the air, drive away and protect against negative forces, cleanse the body and spirit, usher in positive energies, and help connect to the spirit realm.

Sacred crystals and charms that hold energy and help to bring energy channels (chakras) in alignment. Each crystal and charm is cleansed with smudging herbs before it is packed and shipped. We recommend you cleanse and charm them before use.

Abalone Shell, a beautiful, naturally iridescent and fire safe shell to use for smudging herbs, incense and wood.

Our powerfully centering and opening DIVINE Blue Lotus Ritual Oil to enhance manifesting potential.

Divine Blue Lotus Ritual Oil

The Plant Based Punani’s Intention Card, with over 20 mantras or affirmations, to use as a reference to help guide your rituals, if needed.

Curated Bundles

Love Bundle

The Love Bundle may help to bring alignment to the heart and sacral chakras, and include pieces that are associated with qualities of love of self and others, unity, relation, compassion, kindness, serenity, well being, happiness, reproductive energy, emotional equilibrium, connection to spirit, and inner wisdom.

Always begin your rituals by setting your intentions. Harness the energy in each tool by focusing on your breath, staying present, and affirming your intentions.

The Love Bundle includes:

  • The Plant Based Punani’s Intention Card
  • Divine Blue Lotus Ritual Oil
  • Abalone Shell
  • Smudging Herbs:
    • Wild lavender Smudge Stick: Induce feelings of love, balance emotions, enhance intuition
    • White Sage Smudge Stick: Purify negative auras, uplift mood, enhance intuition and spiritual connection
  • Crystals and charms known to carry heart chakra energy and attract love:
    • Rose Quartz
    • Amethyst
    • Amazonite
    • Heart Chakra Charm
    • Sacral Chakra Charm
    • Lotus Charm
    • Om Charm

Protection Bundle

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Joy & Peace Bundle

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Prosperity Bundle

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

On Sale Now!

Save some coins while stocking up on your wellness essentials