The Plant Based Punani

Wisdom Wellness Soursop Teas

Wisdom Wellness Soursop Teas

Mindfulness and Tea

The practice of steeping dried herbs and spices in hot water to receive their therapeutic benefits is an ancient practice that is thought to have begun in China thousands of years ago.

Mindfulness — that is, staying present and aware of your inner self and immediate surroundings at the current moment — while drinking tea is also an ancient practice that can enhance the effectiveness of the herbs’ healing properties, and promote an interconnectedness of Mind, Body & Spirit.

Wisdom Wellness Soursop Teas
Wisdom Wellness Soursop Teas

This Bhuddist concept is simple, but takes daily practice to master, and may be used in all situations to manifest joy, peace, and prosperity.

While preparing and drinking your tea, become supremely aware of all the sounds, aromas, textures, tastes, and feelings that may arise. Be mindful of your breath. Allow everything to flow through you and observe as they come and go, like clouds in the sky. Savor your experiences and observe how they make you feel, but do not resist or try to hold on to them. When you realize you are no longer in the moment; perhaps you began thinking about an argument you had with someone yesterday, or your to-do list today, simply come back to the present moment, to preparing and drinking your tea.

In this way, not only are you caring for your physical being by giving it nutrients, you are also caring for your mind and spirit by relishing the fullness of being in the now. This creates a powerful synergy of wellness of the Whole Being.

We believe in the practice of mindful drinking and have created Wisdom Wellness Soursop Teas, three all natural and inviting herbal blends, that combine the divine power of plants with the art of mindfulness.

Wisdom Wellness Soursop Tea

Information and Benefits

The Wondrous Soursop

Wisdom Wellness Soursop Teas
Soursop fruit
Wisdom Wellness Soursop Teas
Soursop leaves
Soursop! A powerhouse of healing and medicinal properties. Also known as graviola, cherimoya, or paw paw, and native to the warm and tropical regions of the Americas,  the fruit and leaves contain many nutrients to promote healing and wellness.

For centuries, healers have been preparing herbal remedies containing soursop, one of those remedies being a tea made from steeping the leaves. It has been used to treat a variety of conditions like insomnia, inflammation and pain, diarrhea, rheumatism and parasite infections. While there is limited scientific data on the beneficial properties of the soursop tree, the existing research has shown that, in test tube and lab rat studies, soursop extract has anti-carcinogenic, antidiabetic, antipyretic, antimicrobial, anti-parasitic and cardioprotective properties. The compounds contained in soursop leaves that may be responsible for their anti cancer effects are called annoaceous acetogenins (AGEs). In studies performed on rats, these AGEs killed cancer cells by inhibiting the mitochondrial complex 1, a cancer cell protein.

For whatever reason, however, the research stops there. No human trials have been done as of yet. Some doctors and physicians that take a more holistic approach in their practice are using it in conjunction with other therapies. Generally though, western medicine has not accepted and not caught on to the wonders of this flowering tree.

We discuss the benefits of the soursop fruit specifically with our best-selling Guava Soursop flavored Pure Gold Premium Sea Moss Jelly. Be sure to read up on why you should be taking sea moss daily, and definitely give our handcrafted, all natural jellies a try – we have 9 varieties to choose from!

Similar to the fruit, the leaves are rich in Vitamin C and other immune strengthening, inflammation reducing, and free radical fighting antioxidants, like phytosterols, tannins, and flavonoids. Studies found more than 117 compounds contained in soursop leaves that have anti-inflammatory properties.

Saponins, alkaloids, coumarins, terpenoids, tannins, and several other active phytochemicals identified in soursop leaves work to treat inflammation, wounds and hypoglycemia, and have antispasmodic properties, which means it promotes relaxation of the muscles.

Pure Gold Premium Sea Moss Jelly Guava Soursop
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Our Healthful Blends

As mentioned, an herbal tea remedy is traditionally prepared by steeping soursop leaves and stems in hot water for a few minutes, and then consuming it to receive its benefits.

We have adapted this age old tradition and added certified organic herbs, spices and botanicals to create Wisdom Wellness Soursop Tea Blends. Three delicious herbal concoctions that utilize ancient plant kingdom wisdom to promote healing and wellness for the Mind, Body, & Spirit.


Offered in both loose tea and biodegradable tea bags options, we ensure to use eco friendly packaging.

The Collection

We offer The Collection, which includes all three blends so you can enjoy each blend while saving some coins! Tap the image to shop.

Our Worth Blend is intended primarily to support feminine wellness but all will enjoy the many benefits this blend offers. The dominant flavors come from red rooibos, elderberry, ginger root, and hibiscus. Raspberry leaf promotes uterine health, and rose and lemon are included for additional benefits and complexity of flavor.


Red Rooibos is a fermented tea made from the leaves of a shrub native to South Africa. Its primary benefit to the body is its high levels of antioxidants, which scientists have proven can prevent chronic and acute illness, slow aging and fight cell degeneration. Some studies have demonstrated that it has anti-diabetic properties and promotes a healthy heart. Red rooibos is considered very safe for most people and is naturally caffeine free.


Elderberry is a powerful immunity-boosting super fruit used in folk remedies all over the world for the prevention and treatment of respiratory infections like cold and flu. It is high in vitamins A, B, and C, flavonoids, iron, potassium, tannins, amino acids, and inflammation-fighting anthocyanins that give the berry its vibrant purple color.

Elderberry is a wonderful digestive aid, is an immune boosting powerhouse, promotes respiratory health and improves the body’s absorption of nutrients. It has a wide array of health benefits. It is antibacterial and high in antioxidants, which protect against free radicals that cause cell damage and death. Studies have indicated that it may aid weight loss, improve heart and liver health and even help fight cancer due to its high polyphenol content.


Raspberry Leaf, one of the main herbs in this blend, makes it especially helpful for women of child bearing age. In general raspberry leaves are high in antioxidants, which we know to benefit our overall health. The herb provides a good amount of vitamins B and C, and a number of minerals, including potassium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and iron.

Iron is most notably beneficial for women due to iron deficiencies or anemia from heavy menstruation. One ounce of raspberry leaves contain 18% of the daily recommended intake (RDI) for women ages 19-50.

Research also supports evidence that raspberry leaves help to tone and tighten the uterine muscles, decreasing menstrual cramps and other PMS symptoms like nausea and vomiting. The American Pregnancy Association has acknowledged that in pregnant women, raspberry leaf tea can be used to tone the uterus and thereby shorten labor, relieve pain, decrease labor interventions and complications and increase milk production.


Hibiscus, a beautiful, tropical flowering plant with hundreds of varieties has been used in folk medicine for centuries around the world. The petals, stems and inner pods are dried and can then be used as a tea. It has a tart flavor, is loaded with health promoting antioxidants, has been indicated to boost liver health, lower blood pressure and help to prevent heart diseases by lowering blood fat. Hibiscus has shown potential in anti cancer treatments and to aid in weight loss and obesity management.


Rose petals were shown in one small study to have similar pain relieving effects for menstruating women. Additionally, rose petals are antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritis and rich in antioxidants. Some evidence shows that they have antidepressant, anti anxiety, and anti-carcinogen properties as well as promote relaxation and heart health.

Ginger’s main bioactive compound, gingerol, is what is responsible for most of the root’s medicinal properties. Gingerol has antibacterial and antiviral properties, helping to treat respiratory infections and gum diseases. It is rich in antioxidants, which we know helps the body fight off free radicals that cause oxidative stress. It is also a potent anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce the risks of health problems caused by excessive inflammation in the body. Gingerol has also been found to have anti-diabetic effects, by drastically lower blood sugars in people with type 2 diabetes, and appears to help lower cholesterol levels. Preliminary studies have shown that gingerol may have be an anti-cancer properties as well, especially gastrointestinal cancers. More research is needed to make any conclusive recommendations.


Ginger root has been used for centuries to treat ingestion and nausea. Studies have shown that ginger helps to speed up the emptying of the stomach, thereby effectively reducing symptoms of indigestion. Research has concluded that ginger is effective at relieving nausea, especially pregnancy-related nausea. More research is needed to confirm that it is effective against chemotherapy and surgery related nausea but preliminary research does indicate it to be helpful.


Ginger is also known to help reduce menstrual cramps, especially when taken in the first few days of a woman’s menstruation period. Recent studies concluded it to be just as effective at reducing cramps as ibuprofen!


Lemons have a number of known health benefits. They are loaded with vitamin C, which is essential for heathy skin and strong immunity; and flavonoids, both antioxidants which have been linked to lowering the risk of cancers. They are a good source of potassium, which has been linked to lowering the risk of stroke. Foods high in vitamin C have also been shown to increase weight loss.

Tap to Shop Worth Blend!

Our Wealth Blend speaks to our real currency — our health, being our real wealth!  Peppermint is the dominant flavor  of this blend, with undertones from echinacea root, and dandelion leaf. We also included ashwagandha for its myriad benefits to the whole Being.


Peppermint is a commonly used herb for its sweet, minty, fresh taste and pleasant aroma. Peppermint oils and extracts are known to have several health benefits when applied topically and ingested. 


The applications for peppermint are wide. It has long been used to alleviate digestive issues such as gas, bloating, indigestion and nausea. The menthol compound in the oil of peppermint leaves may be responsible for freshening breath, relieving headache, migraines, and sinus congestion. It can be used to reduce pain from menstrual cramps and induce sleep because it acts as a muscle relaxant.


Peppermint has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Drinking peppermint tea may help to unclog sinuses, fight infections and reduce symptoms of allergies like a runny nose, itchy eyes and asthma.

Echinacea is one of the more popular herbal remedies for its efficacy in boosting immunity and reducing the length and severity of upper respiratory illnesses. This magical plant has many active compounds that work to protect and repair our health. It is high in antioxidants, therefore protects cell damage from free radicals, and also has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce risks of chronic diseases, symptoms of acne and eczema.
There is some evidence that echinacea has a positive effect on lowering blood sugar levels. In some test tube studies, echinacea was shown to suppress cancer cell growth and even trigger cancel cell death. To date however, there are no human studies to corroborate these results.

Dandelion is another plant that has been used for centuries in traditional remedies to treat an array of ailments. Every part of the plant is a rich source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. The greens can can be eaten raw or cooked, and the root can be dried and consumed as a tea, as we have offered here.


The root has long been known as a “liver tonic”, as it contains polysaccharides that help to detox the liver. It is also rich in a carbohydrate called inulin, a fiber that supports healthy bones and promotes a healthy gut microbiome. The whole plant contains polyphenols a potent antioxidant.

Dandelion root acts as a diuretic, increasing urine output and decreasing water weight. A 2011 study has shown that dandelion root extract can kill cancer cells.


Ashwagandha, an herb known for its powerful adaptogenic (stress and anxiety reducing) properties, may also help with reducing blood sugar, cortisol and depression levels. There is some evidence to support anti-carcinogenic effects, as well as increasing muscle mass, fertility and testosterone levels in men. Read this evidence based article on the benefits of ashwagandha, here.

Tap to Shop Wealth Blend!

Our Warmth Blend, can be compared to a chai style tea and is considered our digestive health blend. The dominant flavors of turmeric, ginger, green rooibos and cardamom promote a soothing, warm, cozy feeling with a rich, aromatic and spicy taste. Nettle leaf provides many health benefits, and black peppercorn adds flavor complexity and works in synergy with turmeric.


Turmeric, a yellow root used in Indian cuisine and in Ayurveda and Chinese medicine for hundreds of years, is one of the most extensively studied roots in recent years for its major health benefits for the brain and body. It’s main active compound, curcumin, is understood to be the root’s powerhouse.


Curcumin has anti-inflammatory effects on the body. We know that excessive and chronic inflammation can lead to serious illness, thus consuming foods that reduce or prevent inflammation is considered beneficial. Curcumin has been studied with regards to its positive effects on treating arthritis, a condition which involves inflammation of the joints.

Curcumin is a potent antioxidant, boosting the body’s ability to fight off oxidative stress that can lead to diseases and premature aging. Animal studies show that curcumin has the ability to prevent free radicals from attacking the body, and stimulate the action of other antioxidants. This has implications for the compound’s use as an anti-aging supplement.

Curcumin has also been shown to improve the brain’s ability to form new neural connections and therefore fight degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s. It is known to possess effective anti-cancer effects, killing and slowing the growth of cancerous cells. It has been studied as a natural anti-depressant as well, and shown to be effective in boosting serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain.

Bioavailability, or the body’s ability to access the nutrients in a substance, of curcumin is quite low. Scientists have discovered that pairing it with black pepper, which contains the antioxidant rich compound piperine, increases the absorption or curcumin by 2,000%.
It has similar absorption boosting effects on other nutrients and plant compounds as well.

Black pepper is a widely used culinary spice and is used in therapeutic remedies for millennia. We have included it in the Warmth Blend to add complexity and to boost bioavailability of turmeric.

Due to its high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, the active compound in black peppercorn, called piperine may reduce premature aging and chronic illnesses associated with inflammation and degenerative conditions.
There is some evidence that piperine has positive effects on brain function, lowering cholesterol levels, balancing blood sugar, treating cancer, promoting beneficial gut bacteria, reducing appetite, and relieving pain.


Nettle, also known as stinging nettle has been used for centuries as an herbal remedy and there is modern research that shows some promising results in support of its use.
Nettle offers an array of vitamins and minerals like Vitamins A, C, K, B, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. It contains all the essential amino acids, antioxidants like polyphenols and beta carotene. It acts as an anti-inflammatory so it may be helping at reducing symptoms of arthritis and hay fever. It is known to be a natural diuretic, helping to flush excess water from the body, decreasing blood pressure and cleansing the urinary tract. It has been linked to improving blood sugar levels and animals studies reveal it may help in the treatment of an enlarged prostate.


Ginger’s main bioactive compound, gingerol, is what is responsible for most of the root’s medicinal properties. Gingerol has antibacterial and antiviral properties, helping to treat respiratory infections and gum diseases. It is rich in antioxidants, which we know helps the body fight off free radicals that cause oxidative stress. It is also a potent anti-inflammatory, helping to reduce the risks of health problems caused by excessive inflammation in the body. Gingerol has also been found to have anti-diabetic effects, by drastically lower blood sugars in people with type 2 diabetes, and appears to help lower cholesterol levels. Preliminary studies have shown that gingerol may have be an anti-cancer properties as well, especially gastrointestinal cancers. More research is needed to make any conclusive recommendations.


Ginger root has been used for centuries to treat ingestion and nausea. Studies have shown that ginger helps to speed up the emptying of the stomach, thereby effectively reducing symptoms of indigestion. Research has concluded that ginger is effective at relieving nausea, especially pregnancy-related nausea. More research is needed to confirm that it is effective against chemotherapy and surgery related nausea but preliminary research does indicate it to be helpful.


Ginger is also known to help reduce menstrual cramps, especially when taken in the first few days of a woman’s menstruation period. Recent studies concluded it to be just as effective at reducing cramps as ibuprofen!


Cinnamaldehyde, found in the oil of the cinnamon stick, has potent nutritional and medicinal value.
It is super rich in antioxidants, especially the polyphenol family, has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, anti-fungal, and antiviral properties. It has been shown to effectively lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and may protect against various cancers.cIt has been used in traditional medicine for centuries, originating in India, especially for its ability to ease digestive problems.


Green Rooibos comes from the same plant as red rooibos, which is native to South Africa. The main difference between the two teas is the curing process. Red rooibos goes through a long oxidation process, fermenting the leaves and giving it its red color and bold flavor. Green rooibos is not oxidized after harvesting, lending its green hue and more delicate, grassy flavor.

Green rooibos has the same nutritional profile and benefits as the red variety, mainly as a powerful antioxidant having anti inflammatory, anti diabetic and heart health promoting properties.


Cardamom is high in antioxidants and studies have shown it may be helpful in protecting the body against chronic diseases like heart disease. It also has anti diuretic properties, which may help to reduce chronic blood pressure.

Modern medicine has studied cardamom’s properties as it relates to healing ulcers. Lab rat studies have found the extract prevented and reduced the size of ulcers by 50%.

Cardamom has antibacterial and antifungal properties, and has been implicated in test tube studies to kill or inhibit the growth of a wide array of bacterial strains like E. coli, Staphylococcus, and Salmonella, and the yeast Candida that can cause fungal infections.

Due to this ability to fight bacteria, cardamom is commonly used to treat bad breath and prevent cavities. It is a common ingredient in toothpastes, chewing gums, and often found at the entrance of Indian restaurants, to be chewed before or after a meal.
Lastly, using cardamom essential oil and extract, studies have found it to have anti-anxiety properties, improve breathing and increase airflow to the lungs. It was shown to relax the airway, which has positive implications for people with asthma. For a detailed review of the known health benefits of cardamom, refer to this evidence based article.

Tap to Shop Warmth Blend!

Wisdom Wellness Soursop Teas

Possible Side Effects and Precautions

All herbs, spices, and botanicals used in our teas are considered generally safe. There may be side effects when consuming herbs, especially when taken in large quantities.

Avoid use if you have a known allergy to any of the listed ingredients.
Pregnant and nursing mothers should exercise caution.
Be especially cautious if taking medications.
Always consult your physician before using herbs or supplements.

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